We make it easy for you to provide Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM).

Our best-in-class RPM automation software, simple device management, virtual care professionals, and reimbursement from CPT 99453, 99454, 99457 and 99458 will help you provide amazing virtual care to everyone in need.


Here's how we'll add value to your RPM program

Automate Monitoring, Compliance, Time Tracking, and More

Our software makes RPM delivery a snap. We will automatically collect measurements, create smart alerts, send email and text nudges, capture billable time, calculate monitoring days, and give you a real-time and actionable view of all billing events.  We provide high-touch RPM training, support, and (optional) delivery staff for your team. 

Use Simple Cellular Connected Devices (and/or Bluetooth)

Make it simple for patients by using cellular connected devices that work "out of the box".  We support FDA approved devices for any budget and population to monitor blood pressure, heart rate, glucose, weight, activity, and more.  Use our Managed Device Service to skip device cost and logistics - or use your devices with our software.

Fund Your Programs with $100-$200 Per Patient Per Month

New CMS reimbursement codes for 2023 are designed to help you successfully deliver RPM to more patients.  Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and many commercial payers support RPM.  Our flexible 'pay as you go' pricing plans mean you can start providing RPM today with no out of pocket costs.

Popular RPM Solution Features

A proven, unified platform purpose built for Remote Patient Monitoring.

Virtual Care Timers

Ensure that every second of monitoring and communication time is automatically tracked - by patient, care provider role, task, and code. Manage dual enrollees (i.e. RPM + CCM). More ...

Modern Devices

Choose from 100's of the best Cellular or Bluetooth FDA approved devices for automated monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, Sp02, glucose, weight, temp, HRV, steps, sleep, and more.  More ...

Smart Alerts

Utilize a powerful alert configuration engine so the monitoring team works from a dashboard out of range, compiance, and other alerts - with optional email and text notification, too.  More ...


Send ad hoc or automated 1:1 and custom group email, text, and HIPAA secure messages.  Daily reminders ('nudges'), a pat on the back ('props'), two-way communications, and more.  More ...

EHR Integrations

Automatically send billing and/or clinical data from 1bios to your EHR or other systems.  Enjoy off the shelf interfaces to Athena, eCW, and 20+ 3rd party systems and the list is growing. More ...

Billing Tools

Use real-time billing reports, dashboard alerts, automated reminders, summary Excel/.CSV exports, turnkey billing interfaces, an industry best practices knowledge base, and more to make it easy to bill for 99453, 99454, 99457 and 99458.

How to Choose the Right Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Solution

Calculate new revenue

Earn up to $200 per patient per month providing virtual care to everyone in need.

Roi Widget

1. Determine Eligible Patients

According to CMS, a patient must be a Medicare beneficiary to be eligible. Note that 70% of Medicare population have at least one chronic condition. Also note that RPM is billable alongside CCM, and reimbursable via many commercial and Medicaid plans.

Total number of physicians in practice
Patients per physician (U.S. Average 2,500)
Total number of patients

% eligible (proxy is 70% >=1 chronic condition)
Total potential RPM patients

% covered by Medicare (average 22%)
Total Medicare patients

% covered by Other Payers (average 40%)
Total Other Payer patients
Number of covered RPM patients

2. Calculate Your Annual Revenue Potential

Your potential revenue is the total number of eligible patients multiplied by your monthly billable codes multiplied by your reimbursement rate. This is determined by your geography, patient measurement compliance, and how much time is spent by the care team reviewing measurements and providing virtual care for your patients. 2022 National Average CMS Rates are reflected below.

Number of eligible patients
% patients billed only 20-39 minutes (1bios customer average)
20-39 minutes rate (Medicare average) (99457)
% patients billed 40-59 minutes (1bios customer average)
40-59 minutes rate (Medicare average) (99457+99458)
% patients billed 60+ minutes (1bios customer average)
60+ minutes rate (Medicare average) (99457+99458+99458)
% patients billed measurement capture 16+ days/month (99454)
monthly reimbursement

Monthly revenue potential
Annual revenue potential

3. Calculate your Patient Enrollment Rate

Your patient enrollment rate is the percentage of eligilbe patients you enroll in your RPM program.

Annual revenue potential
Eligible patient enrollment rate
Estimated Annual Revenue

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