1bios CCM automation tools make it easier to provide amazing virtual care.

With 1bios CCM, we'll automatically track virtual care provided, help you assign care plans, and track all of your billable metrics in one place.

Here's how we'll add value to your CCM program

Automate Virtual Care Time Tracking

Ensure that every minute of non-face to face time providing care is automatically tracked - by patient, care provider, and task.

Provide Better Care

Easily assign your (or our) state of the art clinical care guides, get reminded for key events, and make it easy for everyone to follow the same plan.

Generate More Revenue

Know instantly how many patients are billable in any time period and who is close to a billable event threshold.


Calculate new revenue

Earn up to $120 per patient per month providing virtual care management services.  See how CCM CPT codes 99490 and (new for 2020) G2058 combine to help your reimbursements for 20, 40, and 60+ minutes of telehealth care per month.

Roi Widget

1. Determine Eligible Patients

According to CMS, a patient must be a Medicare beneficiary with two or more chronic conditions which place the patient at significant risk of death, acute exacerbation or functional decline.

Total number of physicians in practice
Patients per physician (U.S. Average 2,500)
Total number of patients

% with two or more chronic conditions (U.S. Average 40%)*
Total potential CCM patients

% covered by Medicare (average 22%)
Total Medicare patients

% covered by Other Payers (average 50%)
Total Other Payer patients
Number of covered CCM patients

2. Calculate Your Annual Revenue Potential

Your potential revenue is the total number of eligible patients multiplied by your reimbursement rate. This is determined by your geography, and how much time is spent by the care team providing virtual care for your patients each month. 2022 National Average CMS Rates are reflected below.

Number of eligible patients
% patients billed only 20-39 minutes (1bios customer average)
20-39 minutes rate (Medicare average) (99490)
% patients billed 40-59 minutes (1bios customer average)
40-59 minutes rate (Medicare average) (99490+99439)
% patients billed 60+ minutes rate (1bios customer average)
60+ minutes rate (Medicare average) (99490+99439+99439)

Monthly revenue potential
Annual revenue potential

3. Calculate your Patient Enrollment Rate

Your patient enrollment rate is the percentage of eligible patients you enroll in your CCM program.

Annual revenue potential
Eligible patient enrollment rate
Estimated Annual Revenue

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